Saving your hard earned money by making wise decisions about your finances shouldn't be rocket science! The purpose of this blog is to help you save money by choosing the right road for you, to increase your savings and make some money along the way as well by signing up for one or more Prepaid Debit Cards and receiving sign-up bonuses and referral commissions. Feel Free To Contact Us Anytime at:
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Debit Card Links
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Apply Here Sign up today and receive your card in as little as 7 business days. Voted #1 when compared to Walmart's Money Card Debit Card. Referral Program available via affiliate application. Great Financial Tool to have locally and when you travel.
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* Refer-A-Friend Program commissions are contingent upon being referred by this site, activating your new card when it arrives and adding the necessary funds to the card with an initial load amount within the specified term period of 30 or 60 days. Your referral, must in turn sign up under you, activate their new card when it arrives and fund the card with the necessary required 1st load amount within a period of time determined by individual Prepaid Debit Card Providers--usually 30 or 60 days.
Hint: Refer-A-Friend doesn't exactly mean your friends or family, it can be anyone.
Prepaid Debit Cards,
Secured Credit Cards
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